Men’s Hair Loss
Mario Chompass has written 'Men’s Hair Loss' and writes "Every human being on the planet wants to make sure that they look their best when attending a party or going out somewhere. This is natural and to some extent look the best possible is subconsciously aimed at attracting or getting noticed by the opposite sex. Not only are women particularly concerned about how they look, even men preen themselves before going out.
Therefore hair loss comes as a blow to men who believe it to be disastrous. Hair loss is the number one fear of every young man! The feeling of being bald creeps in to a man’s mind, imagining that he is no longer attractive, can lead to sleepless nights for him. Even since early times, every man has been fond of having a head full of hair, equating it with attractiveness..
Male hair loss usually refers to the male pattern baldness. Androgenic alopecia is the medical name for male hair loss. A man starts suffering from hair loss after he reaches puberty.
Although hair loss is prevalent in both the sexes, the research has shown that a greater number of men suffer from this problem compared to women. Let us see what possible remedies exist for male hair loss:
Propecia is a common and popular product used for treating male pattern baldness. This product is exclusively meant for men and it is not recommended that women use it. Propecia might lead to some unwanted hair growth in women in other parts of the body. This medication, which is solely meant for treating male hair loss, has some after effects like lessening the sex drive and leading to impotency. So, before a man starts using propecia, it is always suggested that he seek a doctor’s advice first.
Although male hair loss has some psychological impacts, but it is necessary to cope with this condition with indignity. Strength of mind and patience are really important at this phase of life. In order to hide their hair loss, many men shave their heads. However, this style doesn’t suit all. Many men buy a toupee to cover their hair loss, this may suit a lot of men. But these are somewhat artificial remedies. For a permanent cure, a man must get medical help. Products like Rogaine, propecia, etc. can be of great use. But consult a doctor prior to use.
What causes male hair loss? The root cause of hair loss in men is an excess of Dihydro testosterone (DHT). It is found in the body after a man reaches puberty. The function of DHT is to develop secondary sexual traits. DHT gets attached to the hair follicle and averts the integration of nutrients to the follicles, which leads to hair thinning and eventually results the shedding of large quantities of hair.
Because of advancements in science and technology, hair loss is no longer a threat and can be easily treated. So don’t panic but, instead, work towards to getting the best of treatments available to stop of this devastating experience.
Mario Chompass is an avid traveler and collector, in recent years Mario had increased his knowledge of hair treatment and advanced hair loss prevention products, Mario writes Hair Loss at his Hair Loss site
Therefore hair loss comes as a blow to men who believe it to be disastrous. Hair loss is the number one fear of every young man! The feeling of being bald creeps in to a man’s mind, imagining that he is no longer attractive, can lead to sleepless nights for him. Even since early times, every man has been fond of having a head full of hair, equating it with attractiveness..
Male hair loss usually refers to the male pattern baldness. Androgenic alopecia is the medical name for male hair loss. A man starts suffering from hair loss after he reaches puberty.
Although hair loss is prevalent in both the sexes, the research has shown that a greater number of men suffer from this problem compared to women. Let us see what possible remedies exist for male hair loss:
Propecia is a common and popular product used for treating male pattern baldness. This product is exclusively meant for men and it is not recommended that women use it. Propecia might lead to some unwanted hair growth in women in other parts of the body. This medication, which is solely meant for treating male hair loss, has some after effects like lessening the sex drive and leading to impotency. So, before a man starts using propecia, it is always suggested that he seek a doctor’s advice first.
Although male hair loss has some psychological impacts, but it is necessary to cope with this condition with indignity. Strength of mind and patience are really important at this phase of life. In order to hide their hair loss, many men shave their heads. However, this style doesn’t suit all. Many men buy a toupee to cover their hair loss, this may suit a lot of men. But these are somewhat artificial remedies. For a permanent cure, a man must get medical help. Products like Rogaine, propecia, etc. can be of great use. But consult a doctor prior to use.
What causes male hair loss? The root cause of hair loss in men is an excess of Dihydro testosterone (DHT). It is found in the body after a man reaches puberty. The function of DHT is to develop secondary sexual traits. DHT gets attached to the hair follicle and averts the integration of nutrients to the follicles, which leads to hair thinning and eventually results the shedding of large quantities of hair.
Because of advancements in science and technology, hair loss is no longer a threat and can be easily treated. So don’t panic but, instead, work towards to getting the best of treatments available to stop of this devastating experience.
Mario Chompass is an avid traveler and collector, in recent years Mario had increased his knowledge of hair treatment and advanced hair loss prevention products, Mario writes Hair Loss at his Hair Loss site
Labels: hair loss for men