Thursday, February 09, 2006

Hair Loss Solutions

Hair Loss Solutions

has written Hair Loss Solutions and writes "HAIR LOSS SOLUTIONS WITH HAIR TRANSPLANT-FIT, FIT does not leave linear strip scars. It gives you the option to wear a shorter hair style or shave your head if you choose to in the future. The donor area is naturally thinned out and natural groupings of hair are added to the top of the scalp in the bald or thinning areas. This procedure is the only stand alone procedure for the treatment of hair loss. You will never require any procedures to hide or eliminate unwanted scars. Also, this procedure offers the potential for faster restoration, a greater total donor supply, and denser packing of grafts."

Cbsnews has written The Latest In Hair Loss Solutions and writes "We've all know some of them: the men and women coping with thinning or balding hair any way they can. While there have long been many options to choose from, never before have the results been so realistic. Technology's come a long way, but then again, never before has a shaved head been so sexy."

Regrowth has written Hair Loss Solutions and writes "Hair loss is a common problem among men and women. About 25 percent of men begin balding by age 30 and two-thirds begin losing hair by age 60, according to the American Medical Association. Some hair loss is a normal part of the hair growth cycle. In fact, we typically lose 50 to 150 scalp hairs every day. Baldness (alopecia) results when hair loss occurs at an abnormally high rate; when hair replacement occurs at an abnormally slow rate; or when normal hairs are replaced by thinner, shorter ones."

Medicalhairrestoration has written Hair Loss Solutions and writes "Over 3.5 billion dollars is spent on baldness "tonics" that claim to regrow hair each year. Usually the promises of the hair loss solutions and the expectations of the user are never met. And the hair loss keeps getting worse. Despite claims and hair loss solution advertisements you hear, the only substances ever proven to regrow hair and approved by the FDA are Minoxidil, marketed as Rogaine, and Finasteride, marketed as Propecia."

Sainiherb has written Hair Loss Solutions and writes "Hair loss solutions: Most users are initially unconvinced of the hair loss solutions claim made by its manufacturer. We at Positive Trends Inc. believe skepticism about hair loss treatment makes for an informed buyer. They have a choice of hundreds of hair loss and dandruff products that claim all sorts of wonderful results. But once they use Saini Herbal Scalp & Hair Conditioner® and make the commitment to consistently use it, there is no turning back"

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Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Cause of Hair Loss

Kidshealth has written cause of hair loss and writes "Here are some of the things that can cause hair loss in teens: Illnesses or medical conditions. Endocrine (hormonal) conditions, such as uncontrolled diabetes or thyroid disease, can interfere with hair production and cause hair loss. People with kidney and liver diseases and lupus can also lose hair. The hormone imbalance that occurs in polycystic ovary syndrome can cause hair loss in teen girls as well as adult women."

has written cause of hair loss and writes "The most common cause of hair loss is known as androgenetic alopecia, or male pattern baldness (in men), and female pattern baldness (in woman). Male pattern baldness is something that 7 - 15% of American males experience by age 25, and almost 40% by age 35. It is a natural, age-related change in the body, and represents over 95% of all hair loss in men."

Flash-med has written cause of hair loss and writes "The cause of hair loss, is most commonly related to male gender, hormonal changes, and genetics. However, there are some medical causes of hair loss, which include alopecia areata, arterial insufficiency, skin burns, cutaneous T-cell lymphoma, cellulitis of the scalp, dermatitis, fungal infection, Hodgkin's disease, chemotherapy effects, hypopituitarism, hypothyroidism, lichen planus, lupus, thyrotoxicosis, syphilis, seborrheic dermatitis, sarcoidosis, malnutrition, and scleroderma."

Hairlosshelp has written cause of hair loss and writes"This is the most common cause of thinning and affects both men and women. Men generally have hair loss concentrated in a specific pattern from the front through to the crown. Women tend to have thinning throughout their head without being in any specific pattern. This type of hair loss is caused by the androgen DHT, or Dihydrotestosterone. Since everyone has DHT that is produced by their bodies and only some people suffer from hair loss there has to be another factor involved. This other factor is having follicles that have a greater number of Androgen receptors for the DHT to attach to. This is the component that is inherited through the genes. To date the most effective preventative treatments are anti androgens, drugs that prevent the creation of DHT. In the future gene therapy will one day be able to alter the genes to prevent the follicles from being affected by DHT."

Drgreene has written cause of hair loss and writes "Telogen effluvium, the other common cause of hair loss in children, affects children and adults. It is responsible for more hair loss than any other cause except male-pattern baldness. To understand telogen effluvium, one must understand a hair's normal life-cycle. An individual hair follicle has a long growth phase, producing steadily growing hair for 2 to 6 years (on average 3 years). This is followed by a brief transitional phase (about 3 weeks) when the hair follicle degenerates. This in turn is followed by a resting phase (about 3 months) when the hair follicle lies dormant. This last phase is called the telogen phase. Following the telogen phase, the growth phase begins again -- new hairs grow and push out the old hair shafts. The whole cycle repeats. For most people, 80% to 90% of the follicles are in the growth phase, 5% are in the brief transition phase, and 10% to 15% are in the telogen phase. Each day about 100 hairs are shed and replaced by new hairs. In telogen effluvium, something happens to interrupt this normal life-cycle and to throw many or all of the hairs into the telogen phase. Between 6 and 16 weeks later, partial or complete baldness appears."

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Monday, February 06, 2006

hair loss medication has written hair loss medication and writes "The other hair loss medication, Propecia, just doesn't work in women at all. Aldactone (spironolactone) pills help many women, especially whose hair loss starts before menopause but takes many months. Hormone replacement pills, such as Prempro, plus Aldactone are better after menopause. Experienced hair transplant surgeons can often achieve excellent results in women with the new follicular unit and minigraft techniques. You have to be a qualified candidate and have realistic expectations."

Ezinearticles has written hair loss medication and writes has written hair loss medication and writes "The most popular hair loss medication is Propecia, Propecia can be bought through the online pharmacy I will link to at the bottom of this article. An inbalance of DHT triggers and autoimmune response in pattern loss, which initiates an attack on your hair follices. Gradually your hair follices will become inflammed putting your hair in a resting phase which causes hair to only fall out not grow."

Newhair has written hair loss medication and writes has written hair loss medication and writes "In men, 5-a reductase activity is higher in the balding area. This is the enzyme that is inhibited by the hair loss medication finasteride (click on Propecia for more information). Women have ½ the amount of 5-a reductase overall as compared to men, but have higher levels of the enzyme aromatase, especially in their frontal hairline. Aromatase decreases the formation of DHT, and its presence in women may help to explain why the presentation of hair loss in women is different than in males."

Kidshealth has written hair loss medication and writes has written hair loss medication and writes "Some medications that have hair loss as a side effect may be prescribed for teens. These include acne medicines like isotretinoin, and lithium, which is used to treat bipolar disorder. Diet pills that contain amphetamines can also cause hair loss. Chemotherapy drugs for cancer are probably the most well-known medications that cause hair loss, but some cancers including leukemia and lymphoma can cause hair loss even before treatment begins."

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Sunday, February 05, 2006

Hair Loss Propecia

Propecia has written hair loss propecia and writes "The effectiveness of PROPECIA was demonstrated in studies of men, aged 18 to 41, with mild to moderate hair loss at the top and middle front of the head. There is not sufficient evidence that PROPECIA works for receding hairlines at the temples. PROPECIA is for the treatment of male pattern hair loss in MEN ONLY and should NOT be used by women or children."

Familydoctor has written hair loss propecia and writes "Medicines may help slow or prevent the development of common baldness. One medicine, minoxidil (brand name: Rogaine), is available without a prescription. It is applied to the scalp. Both men and women can use it. Another medicine, finasteride (brand name: Propecia) is available with a prescription. It comes in pills and is only for men. It may take up to 6 months before you can tell if one of these medicines is working."

Pslgroup has written hair loss propecia and writesPropecia is for use by men only. It is not for use in women or children. Women must not use Propecia when they are or may potentially be pregnant because it may cause abnormalities of the male baby's sex organs, a condition known as hypospadias. In addition, women should not handle crushed or broken tablets when they are pregnant or may potentially be pregnant. Propecia tablets have a coating that will prevent contact with the active ingredient during normal handling, provided that the tablets have not been broken or crushed."

Ishrs has written hair loss propecia and writes "The studies assessed the efficacy of Propecia by four separate endpoints: hair counts in a one-inch diameter circle of the scalp; assessments of "before" and "after" photographs by a panel of dermatologists; patient questionnaires and investigator assessments of changes in scalp hair growth."

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Saturday, February 04, 2006

Accutane Hair Loss

Cosmeticscop has written accutane hair loss and writes "A study in the Journal of Cutaneous Medical Surgery (April 2000, pages 66–70) followed 124 people through their course of treatment with Accutane. "The majority of patients experienced persistent dryness of lips. Dry eyes affected 40% of patients; this continued throughout treatment in 25%. Contact lens wearers were more likely to develop conjunctivitis. Lower back pain was reported early in about 30% of patients and fewer than 10% of patients would develop it later in the course of treatment. Joint pain was noted in 16.5% of patients at the first visit and there was little change with ongoing treatment. Hair loss was experienced in a small percentage but was rarely noted on more than one occasion. Headaches occurred in less than 10% and were occasionally severe, but most often intermittent and recorded at a single visit. Depression occurred in 4% of patients and tended to persist throughout the treatment. All these patients completed the full course of treatment." The study concluded "patients treated with [Accutane] experienced a predictable series of side effects. Some occurred fleetingly, but several persisted for the duration of treatment."

Baldingblog has written accutane hair loss and writes "Hair loss from Accutane is a known side effect. First you must weigh the options of stopping the Accutane. Your doctor should be able to help you make the right decision. The lost hair may return, so you need some time to observe what happens. If the hair does not come back within 8-12 months, then you might need a complete evaluation with a doctor like me, who specializes in hair loss."

Ultimate-cosmetics has written accutane hair loss and writes "Accutane is a prescription drug used by doctors and dermatologists to treat moderate to severe acne. It is taken orally as a pill. Generally, it is used when other acne treatments been unsuccessful. Accutane appears to work very well to treat patients with severe acne. However, some users of Accutane have noticed temporary and permanent hair loss is a very undesirable side effect of taking Accutane. Hair loss is listed as a possible side effect of Accutane use. The fact that it is a relatively rare side effect does not help the ten percent of users who may develop problems with hair loss. Accutane may result in temporary or permanent hair loss as a side effect."

Postgradmed has written accutane hair loss and writes "Various diseases and other conditions can cause hair follicles to go into the resting stage, resulting in bald patches. Severe or prolonged illness, starvation, anorexia nervosa, rapid weight loss, infection, injury, and excessive blood loss can all cause hair to fall out. Many women experience hair loss after childbirth, a miscarriage, or a change in their birth control pill prescription. Certain drugs, such as amphetamines, anticancer agents, gout medication, isotretinoin (Accutane), lithium, male hormones, propranolol hydrochloride (Inderal), and valproic acid (Depacon, Depakene, Depakote), also can cause hair loss."

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Friday, February 03, 2006

Facial Hair Loss

Swordmedical has written facial hair loss, they write "For many men and women, however, facial hair loss is just as important a consideration and the source of an equal amount of frustration, embarrassment and pain. Surgical hair restoration, “hair transplantation”, is permanent and perfectly natural. And surgical hair restoration works just as well on eyebrows and upper lips as it does on hairlines and crowns. And just like scalp hair restoration, facial hair restoration requires an experienced, talented and artistic surgeon to yield the results you’re looking for."

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Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Preventing Hair Loss

Hairloss.about has written Preventing Hair Loss and writes "Detox Tea For Preventing Hair Loss, The book Naturally Healthy Hair by Mary Beth Janssen (Storey Books, 1999) gives an excellent recipe for a kidney detox tea. The author explains that healthy kidneys are "equated to healthy hair" in Chinese medicine. Once the kidneys are detoxified, a healthy flow of nutrients are free to make their way to the scalp where they promote healthy hair growth."

Hotlib has written Preventing Hair Loss and writes "In the meantime, if you have a family history of balding genes, take preventive hair loss measures. Simple procedures like using a mild shampoo and conditioner, and gentle brushing or combing would really help for good hair structure and a healthier crop!"

Cancernet has written Preventing Hair Loss and writes "Studies have shown that scalp cooling is effective in preventing hair loss in patients treated with some chemotherapy drugs. Cooling the scalp to a temperature of +17 oC to achieve a subcutaneous temperature of +20 0C (68 oF) constricts the blood supply to hair follicles diminishing or abolishing their perfusion hence preventing high chemotherapy dose delivery during the initial phase of chemotherapy. Further, coldness itself reduces the availability of (chemotherapy) cytotoxic drugs to the cells of the hair follicles by directly reducing their metabolic rate. It is the combined effect of both these mechanisms, induced by cooling the scalp, that prevents or reduces hair loss (alopecia)."

Mothernature has written Preventing Hair Loss and writes "If you're trying to hang on to your hair, consider these tips: Feed your scalp. It won't turn a desert into a forest, but good nutrition like quality protein and iron—do seem to play at least a minor role in preventing hair loss. In fact, severe dieting (200 to 400 calories a day) can actually provoke substantial temporary hair loss, says Dr. Savin. Good, low-fat sources of protein are lean chicken, beef and beans. Get sufficient iron from lean beef and enriched cereals, or even a good supplement. Too much vitamin A can actually cause hair loss."

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Sudden Hair Loss

Follicle has written sudden hair loss and write "Similar to the way in which sudden hair loss can occur after childbirth sudden hair loss can also occur after and abortion or miscarriage which the hair loss is triggered by sudden changes in hormone levels. Hair that has remained in the growth phase due to increased hormone levels will suddenly enter the resting phase and will be shed approximately 3 months after the event."

Skinsite has written sudden hair loss and write "Alopecia areata is the name for a condition in which round patches of hair loss appear suddenly. The hair-growing tissue is attacked by the patient's own immune cells for unknown reasons. There are three stages: first, there is sudden hair loss, then the patches of hair loss enlarge, and last, new hair grows back. This process takes months, sometimes more than a year, but rarely does the hair never grow back."

Hairboutique has written sudden hair loss and write "If you sudden hair loss can not be linked to thyroid deficiencies, prescription drug side effects, hormonal issues, age or other obvious causes such as hereditary hair loss, ask your dermatologist to schedule a mercury screen. This is especially important is you eat a lot of fish on a weekly basis."

Hairboutique has written sudden hair loss and write "Two of the leading causes of sudden hair loss are genes and stress. Hairloss may be inherited, but this is usually not sudden, but happens over time. What is sudden about it is that you notice large clumps of hair staying on the brush or comb when you do your hair each morning. Although this is common in males, it does happen to females as well. Severe stress has also been identified as a cause of sudden hair loss because it interferes with the inner workings of the body’s hormones. This can be psychological stress or trauma to the body following an accident or major surgery."

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