Monday, July 31, 2006

The Drug Propecia and Hair Loss

Rebecca Prescott has written The Drug Propecia and Hair Loss and writes "The drug propecia is a prescription hair loss medication designed mainly for men with mild to moderate hair loss. The effects of hair loss and propecia were studied in several clinical trials, and propecia was found to be better than a placebo.

The men in the studies, aged between 18 and 41, took propecia daily for a year. Some men took a placebo. Of the men who took the propecia, 86% either did not suffer further hair loss, or actually increased the amount of hair in the affected areas. Only 14% of men had continued hair loss.

The drug propecia has been found to be ineffective for women. This, combined with the potential danger of abnormalities to a male fetus, means that propecia is not prescribed for female pattern hair loss. Propecia has not been studied in older men, or men with complete baldness, and it has not been proved to work with a receding hairline. Propecia is not suitable for children, no doubt due to its negative effect on developing male genitals..

Generally, propecia is a very safe drug for hair loss. Most men taking it did not have any side effects, though some reported:

* erection difficulties

* reduced amount of semen

* less sexual desire

These were not permanent changes, and when those affected stopped taking propecia, their symptoms disappeared. Some men who reported these side effects were also able to continue taking propecia without the side effects continuing. The report I saw did not say whether the side effects just stopped, or if other treatment was undertaken to counteract them.

The drug propecia has only been studied on men for up to two years, and these men had no problems taking it for this period. However, based on research over a period of 32 years on men who are deficient on the enzyme that propecia suppresses, 5-alpha reductase, the mechanism by which propecia works seems to be quite safe for long term use.

Disadvantages of Taking Propecia

Propecia is not a cure for hair loss. Propecia works by interrupting the conversion process of testosterone to its metabolite, dihydrotestosterone (DHT for short). It does this by effecting the enzyme catalyst, 5-alpha reductase, that is involved in the conversion process. In male pattern hair loss, there is an excess of DHT in the part of the scalp where hair loss occurs. So, by reducing the amounts of DHT in the scalp, propecia effectively works to prevent new hair loss, and allows hair to regrow. However, to continue the benefits of propecia, you'll need to take it for the rest of your life. Once you stop taking propecia, the DHT levels will rise again in the scalp, and hair loss will return to pre-propecia levels.

The Drug Propecia and Pregnancy

Women should be very careful not to handle propecia if they are pregnant, as it can affect the development of the sex organs in a male fetus. So, it would be wise not to touch any open packets, or broken tablets. If you must, use a glove. Unbroken tablets are safety coated, so the active ingredient of propecia, which is the potential problem, is not present on the outside of the tablet.

For men taking propecia, if your wife is pregnant, there is no risk to her unless she is exposed to the active ingredient from a broken tablet. She, or the baby, won't be harmed when her partner is taking it.

However, given that in some men propecia affects the amount of semen produced, if you are trying to conceive this may pose a problem. This side effect does not affect all, or most, men. But check with your doctor if you think this may be a concern.




Rebecca Prescott reviews non-prescription hair growth products here. More hair loss articles are available here:

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Sunday, July 30, 2006

Natural Hair Loss Remedy And The Benefits To Be Gained

David Everett has written Natural Hair Loss Remedy And The Benefits To Be Gained and writes "Natural hair loss remedy has always been trusted by people because it sounds so pure, so it must be good, correct? However, while some treatments work well there is no telling which one will be the most suitable for you, as everyone possesses different body chemistries.

Natural Hair Loss Remedy at Home
You can probably use items you already have on hand to try some of the more common remedies at home. First, there’s massage. Rub your scalp for just a couple of minutes a day. You can try using coconut or palm oil but, if you don’t want to get your hair greasy, you can just massage the scalp with your bare fingertips (not nails). This exercise wiull stimulate the blood flow to your hair follicles and this, in turn, will stimulate hair growth. You can also buy electric massagers from department stores.

Also known to be a great natural hair growth remedy are natural oils, such as jojoba and palm oil, when used as a pre-shower treatment. To use, massage the oil gently into the scalp before a shower, leave it in for about 10 – 15 minutes, and then wash it out..

Next you could try aromatherapy. Mix six drops of lavender and bay essential oil in a base of four ounces of either almond, soy bean or sesame oil. Massage the mixture into your scalp and leave it for at least 20 minutes. The scents and herbs have been known to stimulate hair growth.

Items from your kitchen can also be used to concoct a hair rinse. Boil a mixture of rosemary and sage along with peach leaf, nettle and burdock for longer than a couple of minutes. Strain the herbs from the water and allow it to cool down, after which you can use it to wash your hair. Rosemary and sage have been known to be very effective as a natural hair growth remedy.

Finally, try henna, a traditional Indian herb used widely by women in India regardless of whether they have hair loss problems or not. It is known to be effective as a natural hair growth remedy and conditioner. However, keep in mind that henna will color your hair slightly red to brick red.

Above are listed just a few remedies. However, if you are interested in using any of them, you should do some research online or at your local natural herb store to determine which of the remedies would be suitable for you.

Keep in mind that what may be very effective for some may not work at all well on others. Any natural hair growth remedy may not always stimulate your hair growth, but at least it will not harm it further. Be sure to also read all reviews about such treatments before using them.

You can discover more information concerning hair loss in men at

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Friday, July 28, 2006

Propecia: A Path for Hair Growth

Alan Anderson has written Propecia: A Path for Hair Growth and writes "A hair loss from 20 -35 strands daily is normal and common occurrence. The problem rises when there is an excessive shedding, for this may result in complete baldness in no time. It is when thinning hair become obvious, most people become concerned about hair restoration process. And in anxiety or depression they begin experimenting with different products.

It is a fact that 90% of hair loss is due to genetic problem and the rest is due to some metabolic dysfunction that goes inside our body. But medical science has successfully proved that through proper medication one can not only stop hair loss but also regrew them to some extent.

One of the main reasons of hair loss is due to secretion of a hormone called Dihydrotestosterone (DHT). It shrinks the hair follicles and decreases the amount of hair on head. So when there is an increase in DHT secretion a human head begins loosing hair and once the DHT level in the scalp decreases, the cycle of hair loss stops and in many cases new growth of hair resumes..

This is what Propecia does, decreasing the amount of DHT from our scalp. The main ingredient in Propecia is Finasteride. It directly inhibits the formation of DHT and over a period of considerable amount of time, it reduces the level of DHT sufficiently, minimizing its effects on our hair follicles.

As with any drug, finasteride can also cause side effects to a minority of users. The FDA trials reported a 2% incidence of varying side effects but these tends to cease as the body gets adjusted to the drug after a period of time. Some of its side affects or symptoms are skin rash, or swelling of lips.

Propecia is available only on prescription. So the best thing to do is to consult your dermatologist before using it and do not share this drug with others.

Alan Anderson writes on health, beauty and hairstyles. He has been working in the same field and writes informative articles for Hair Care subject. To learn more about Propecia, Hair Care tips, Hair Care Products, Hair Loss treatment visit

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Thursday, July 27, 2006

Female Hair Loss Treatments and Why Hair Loss Is Different On Venus

Rebecca Prescott has written Female Hair Loss Treatments and Why Hair Loss Is Different On Venus and writes "Female hair loss treatments often differ to men's, for a number of reasons. The main prescription hair loss treatment for men, the drug propecia, is generally not as effective in women, although an Italian study seemed to show some promise with it.

The study followed the experience of 37 women who were given 2.5 mg of propecia a day, as well as the contraceptive pill. As propecia can cause deformities in the development of a male fetus' sex organs, propecia cannot be given to women who have a chance of conceiving, or who are pregnant.

Results were measured by taking photos of the women's heads, and using a technique called computerized light videodermoscopy to measure the density of hairs. Women tend to have thinning hair when they suffer hair loss, and don't often go completely bald..

After 12 months of treatment, 23 women (62%) had improvements in their hair thickness. Those women who had most hair loss down the middle of the top of the head, showed the most improvement. Only one woman was found to have worse hair loss.

But more studies on propecia as a female hair loss treatment need to be conducted before it is given the green light as a treatment option. Not only is there the issue of fetal damage, making it a risky drug for women, but this study is not conclusive as evidence that it will actually work for all, or most, women.

Generally, women are given topical treatments like minoxidil to encourage hair growth. Minoxidil has drawbacks in that it has to be applied to the scalp twice a day, and some women are allergic to it. Unfortunately, scientists have not come up with a hair loss medication that will definitely work for women.

Another reason female hair loss treatments differ to men's is that the causes of female hair loss often vary. Hair loss in women is often associated with hormonal changes like menopause, discontinuing birth control pills, and after pregnancy. There is a 3 month delay before signs of hair loss will appear, so if you're noticing hair loss now, it was probably triggered 3 months ago. And it can take another 3 months before new growth starts to show.

Another factor in female hair loss is excessive dieting or sudden weight loss. Hair requires nutrients to grow just as any other part of the body does, What we eat can not only affect how shiny and healthy our hair appears, but also hair loss. Whilst men can suffer hair loss from similar weight loss, women tend to be more involved with extreme diets than men.

Female hair loss can also be an indicator of a medical condition, such as an underactive thyroid gland, diabetes, anemia, and PCOS. It's a good idea to get these possible issued ruled out by a doctor first. If they are at the root of the hair loss problem, no amount of hair loss medications or topical treatments or hair vitamins is going to stop hair loss until that is treated.

Hair loss that is caused by physical or emotional stress generally resolves itself when the stressor is dealt with, without any female hair loss treatment. But because of the hair's growth cycles, it can take 6 months before any improvement is noticed.

Rebecca Prescott presents information on necessary vitamins for hair loss here, as well as common hair growth products.

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Wednesday, July 26, 2006

You CAN Find the Right Hair Loss Solution

David Everett has written You CAN Find the Right Hair Loss Solution and writes "Experiencing any measure of hair loss can be a painful blow to your ego. It doesn't matter if you’re an older man, younger man, or even a woman, hair loss can cause you to become extremely self-conscious. However, there are various treatments to keep your hair on your head, and discovering a hair loss solution can be key to keeping your youthful appearance despite the ticking clock.

Need more information? Here are some of the facts behind hair loss, and the correct hair loss solution for you. Your first port of call should be your doctor’s office!

What is Hair Loss?
To determine a hair loss solution, you first need to know what is causing your hair to fall out. Your hair loss could be caused by any number of genetic, environmental and hormonal influences. With men, hair loss is most usually genetic, and if there exists a family history of balding, then it is most likely that young men will begin to see receding hair as soon as their early 20s..

In the case of women, hair loss could be caused by hormonal imbalances during pregnancy, or even while they are using birth control. Regardless of gender, hair loss can also occur after surgery, illness or even just because you tie your hair too tight.

There are a various ways to slow down - or even halt - hair loss. Determining a hair loss solution that will work with your body’s chemistry is another thing you should take into consideration. If you are experiencing pattern hair loss, medications such as Rogaine and Propecia could be right for you. Rogaine is massaged directly into the scalp and is supposed to stimulate hair growth. Propecia is a pill taken orally that will block the DHT (dihydrotestosterone) that causes hair loss, thus halting the process.

Despite the fact that these are the two most effective and used products, the option of hair transplant as a permanent hair loss solution should be considered. In this procedure, hair is taken from the back of the scalp and transplanted at the receding line. Using this method, you could have a full head of hair that will never leave your scalp.

After all is said and done, the most important thing to realize is that as we all get older our bodies do undergo change. Our skin sags and dries up, and our hair gets grayer and falls out. This is a fact of life, but if you are determined to keep your appearance young and healthy, you should consider a hair loss solution that will keep you beautiful for as long as possible.

To find out more about the various treatments as a hair loss solution, go to

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Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Hair Loss Treatments and Remedies

Mike Herman has written Hair Loss Treatments and Remedies and writes "Hair loss is linked to a variety of factors, such as genetics, diet, hair care and disease. Most will agree that one of the best ways of hair loss treatment, is "prevention".

We can't control our genetics. While we 'may' have some control over developing a disease, we probably have no control. However we definitely have control over our diet, which of course helps your health in general, and the way that we treat our hair, the care that we show it.

Those who are on dieting because of being overweight, or anyone who avoids or severely limit their protein intake also may experience hair loss. It is common for those who are 'vegans' to suffer some hair loss due to the fact that those people consume no protein/meat/animal products at all. Also, the less strict vegetarian will likely have thinning hair due to their eating habits..

Hair loss is also commonly seen among those who suffer from malnutrition due to anorexia and bulimia.

The good news is that just by simply eating a protein rich diet, having protein powder shakes or supplements, you can stop hair loss due to poor eating habits and lack of protein. Also other supplements like zinc are good for your hair. Keeping a balanced diet will also be effective in making sure that your hair stays thicker and healthier

Giving your hair the care it deserves may enable you to avoid hair loss altogether and it will help your hair to stay healthy and looking good.

Don't wash your hair more than once a day, but you should washing it at least once a week. This will allow the dirt and oils to come out of the hair with the proper washings. It will also allow nutrients to move through the hair in order to allow for protection, as well as growth. If you have a sensitive scalp, you should consider using a softer type of shampoo or one that has specific medication to help your hair.

Make sure that you are being careful in styling your hair. Blow-drying and hot curling irons are known to damage the cuticles that protect the hair. You should be using the 'low' heat level in order to prevent damage.

You should also learn to style your hair when it is damp or dry. This will not put as much stress on your hair and will prevent hair loss. When your hair is wet, it will be easier for it to stretch and break.

A natural way of treating thin hair is by using olive oil. Massage it into your scalp before you go to bed. Wash it out the next morning to make your hair look shiny and healthy. You can use this treatment once a week and still see benefits from it.

People that suffer from hair loss find that one good remedy can be found in hair styling and cosmetic techniques. Hair coloring, waves, and haircuts alone can make a big difference in the way you look and feel, making hair loss much less apparent.

There are also FDA approved tropical treatments that may be able to help. But often, the simple things actually work.

About the Author
Get the Valuable Information You Need By Visiting Treatments and Causes of Hair Loss

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Monday, July 24, 2006

Hair Loss Remedies

Fame Ahmed has written Hair Loss Remedies and writes "This article is all about hair loss and home remedies. While there are a LOT of products on the market today that claim to slow, stop, prevent or reverse hair loss, there are many other ways to attack hair loss that don't include using strong chemicals or prescription drugs.

Granted, some are effective and some are not, but the only way to know for sure is to try them for yourself. I'm going to list a few possible ways to treat hair loss and let you make up your own mind on their effectiveness. Just to remind you all...I am not advocating any type of hair loss treatment, simply because every person is different and what might work for you might not work for someone else!

Okay, the first type of home remedy can be categorized as "herbal". Many folks, including myself, have begun using certain herbs to combat all sorts of problems...anything from aging skin to a lack of energy to, you guessed it, hair loss. Here are some of the more popular herbs pertaining to hair loss:

Stinging nettle: Also known as Urtica Diocia, this herb has the ability to block the conversion of testosterone into DHT (DHT is often the cause of male hair loss). An optimum dose of 50-100mg per day in capsule form is recommended. Ginkyo biloba: this herb is thought to improve blood circulation to the brain and skin. It is believed that the increased flow of blood to the brain area delivers more nutrients to the hair follicle thus promoting hair regrowth. A recommended dose is 120-160mg of dry extract each day spread over three doses.

He Shou Wu: Also known as Polygonum Multiflorum, this herb has traditionally been used to reduce hair loss and can be taken in capsule form or as a tea.

Pygeum Africanum: This herb is derived from the bark of the evergreen tree and it works like green tea. It is used to treat male pattern baldness. You should take 60-500mg per day in pill or capsule form.

Saw Palmetto: Also known as Seranoa Repens, this is a favourite choice for many men due to its ability to slow hair loss and encourage hair regrowth. Many commercially prepared hair loss treatments use this herb as a base but it can easily be found in its pure form. A dose of 160mg twice each day is recommended, but be sure the ingredients are made from the berry extract not the dried berries themselves.

The second type of home remedy for attacking hair loss are external preparations that are applied to the hair and scalp directly. Some of these may sound odd, but you never know until you try, right?

Safflower Oil: Also known as Carthamus Tinctorious, safflower oil applied to the scalp acts as a vasolidator that dilates blood vessels. This allows more blood to deliver nutrients to the hair follicle thus creating an environment conducive to hair regrowth.

Aloe Vera: You can rub Aloe Vera into your scalp each night. It's believed that the herb activates the production of nitric oxide and contains an enzyme called superoxide dismutane.

These two substances combined may stimulate hair regrowth in those suffering from male pattern baldness.

Red Pepper: Also know as Capiscum, you can apply Red Pepper to the scalp as a poultice. It irritates the scalp and stimulates blood flow to the base of the hair, which may encourage renewed hair growth.

Onion: Yes, onions. Some believe that rubbing the scalp with an onion before shampooing may actually stimulate hair growth...your mileage may vary! There are many more home remedies that may aid in hair growth or regrowth.

There are many products on the market that claim to cure hair loss but 99% are just vitamin products that don't address the underlying cause.

However, recently a new product has had amazing exposure in the media mainly due to the fact that many famous celebrities are using it. This new product has been through various clinical trials and the results have been incredible. To find out more about this new product please visit my site.

About the Author
Fame Ahmed is considered an expert on hair loss and has helped thousands of people regrow their hair. Find out what he recommends: hair loss

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Sunday, July 23, 2006

Natural Hair Loss Remedy and Treatment

A Smith has written Natural Hair Loss Remedy and Treatment and writes "This guide will discuss the various ways of hair loss and the natural hair loss treatments available. As many of us believe and rightly so, hair fall occurs due to the lack of attention it receives from its owner (though the main type of loss is hereditary i.e. male pattern baldness). Very hardly people care to treat their hair as they treat their face.

The first way to stop hair loss is to give proper attention to it. Now, with that out of the way, the other reasons that can be quoted are: genes, hormones, chemicals and dust particles settling in, etc. The top priority must be given to the gene factor involved in hair loss. Because, this has been the cause for many who are young to become bald.

Hair is an outgrowth on the skin, which is determined by the testosterone (in men) and estrogen (in women). These two determine the differences between a man and woman. For a female, when the estrogen is present in normal condition, she develops long hair and prevents hair growth on the face. When the level of estrogen is reduced, the hair loss is prominent in females. There has some success in females when estrogen level is restored..

For a genetically caused hair loss in both men and women, the best solution available is hair transplantation. This has been a phenomenal success for many who have developed baldness through heredity.

Though, there are some general ways to prevent hair loss that is mentioned below. These steps are a guideline for effective maintenance of the hair.

· Massage your hair with plenty of coconut oil, so that it reaches deep into the root of the hair follicles. Doing this everyday is a really good treatment for arresting hair loss. Also, this reduces the body heat also, which might trigger hair loss for some and also acts well in strengthening the hair follicles.

· Then make it a habit of washing your hair with shikhai powder and amla powder at least once a week. You can also add the yolk of egg to the powders as it is a high protein food and helps in the growth of hair.

· Include Aloe Vera in the list of hair loss remedy products. Aloe Vera gel or oil which is commonly available in the market has been an effective ingredient in stopping hair fall.

· If you are regularly using an anti hair fall shampoo and still experience hair loss, it is better for you to consult a dermatologist. He may help you based on whether you are allergic to certain chemicals or products.

All the above mentioned points may not lead to quick remedy for hair fall. They help stop hair fall. Also, consulting a dermatologist is suggested if you experience rapid hair loss.

More on hair loss causes and treatments Andrew Smith is owner of HowToAll.

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Friday, July 21, 2006

Route To Healthier Hair: Hair Loss Remedy

Alan Anderson has written Route To Healthier Hair: Hair Loss Remedy and writes "Is your hair getting thinner month after month? Are you looking for ways to treat hair loss? If yes, then read the following article. The hair loss remedy mentioned below can prompt hair growth.

We loose around 20- 100 hair strands every day without knowing. Almost everyone is looking for the best hair care treatment either to get silky hair or to get rid of hair loss. Proper hair care treatment can give you thick, lustrous, beautiful and dandruff-free hair.

The growth of hair is governed by hormones that appear after puberty. The male hormone testosterone and female hormone estrogen governs body hair, hair in the armpits, beard, hair on chin etc. Usually when the level of estrogen drops in women signs of hair loss or baldness is seen. Following a proper hair loss remedy can help you to recover your lost hair such as:

•Eating a diet containing adequate amount of nutrients such as proteins, vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, fats etc.

•Drinking plenty of water.

•In order to compensate the copper deficiency, intake carrot juice, lettuce, capsicum and alfalfa. It is a good remedy for hair loss and prevents hair from graying.

•Massaging scalp with warm almond or olive oil can help to stimulate the blood flow in the scalp. This in turn would strengthen hair follicles and prevent hair from falling.

•Avoid applying hair creams, gels and other chemicals in hair as they make them lose the moisture and make them brittle.

•Remove chlorine properly from hair after swimming.

•Make a hair pack by mixing Indian goose berry with egg. Apply it twice a week on hair to make them thick and glossy.

•Hot air and heat makes your hair dry. Always cover your head before going out in sun.

•Blow drying hair dehydrates the adequate moisture and aggravates hair loss. Try to air dry your hair. Stand under the fan and run your fingers gently within the hair making them dry.

•Do not use a brush on wet hair. Use a wide toothed comb instead.

•Stress is one of the major causes for hair loss. Regular yoga and meditation can relieve your worries thus preventing hair from falling.

A number of hair care products are available in the market. Shop around for the best product that can treat your hair right and help you get healthy and lustrous hair.

Hair determines a person’s beauty. It is an important aspect of your overall appearance. Follow the hair loss remedy and eliminate your hair loss upheavals effectively.

Alan Anderson writes on health, beauty and hairstyles. He has been working in the same field and writes informative articles for Hair Care subject. To learn more about Hair Care tips, Hair Loss Remedy, Hair Care Products, Hair Loss treatment visit

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DIY Hair Loss Remedy: Things That Can Help

David Everett has written DIY Hair Loss Remedy: Things That Can Help and writes "Searching for a hair loss remedy? Wondering if you should try minoxidil? Considering making an appointment with your doctor to discuss your thin, thinner and thinning hair?

It is possible to find an effective hair loss remedy, and you should certainly start by talking to your doctor. There are several types of hair loss, and different types have different treatments. You may need to have blood tests, or even a scalp biopsy, to find out which type of hair loss you’re experiencing.

Not all hair loss remedies are effective, though. There have been attempts to discover a cure for baldness for centuries, and some pretty innovative treatments have been discovered. Not one of these treatments have FDA approval, and none have been tested using large scale studies. They may or may not work.

All do-it-yourself hair loss remedies are either taken orally or massaged onto the scalp.

Hair Loss Remedy Preparations Taken by Mouth

Drink a glass of any of these remedies each day:

* Coriander Leaf (cilantro) juice
* 1 tsp apple cider vinegar in water
* Smoothie of banana, honey, yogurt and skim milk
* Juice mixture of any of the following: alfalfa, lettuce, fresh spinach, cilantro

Hair Loss Remedy Preparations to Massage onto Your Head

Over the centuries, people have massaged these formulas into their heads in an effort to cure baldness:

* Mix 1 cup mustard oil with 4 tablespoons of henna leaves
* Use amla oil, either alone or mixed with coconut milk and/or lime juice
* Mix equal parts of alcohol, borox and quinine. (Don’t try this one at home—it could give you a pretty good rash)
* Rub cow dung onto the bald spot (not in my house…)
* Mix a chopped onion and 20 birch leaves in a bottle of alcohol. (It doesn’t say what kind of alcohol…)
* Grind a bit of licorice and mix with little saffron in skim milk (Do you know how much saffron costs? And you want to rub it on your head?)
* Use coconut milk
* Or aloe vera juice
* Mix honey and egg yolk and apply to the scalp
* Rub the bald spot with an onion until it’s red, then rub honey into it
* Mix castor oil and almond oil, warm it and rub into scalp
* Grind black peppercorn with either lemon or lime seeds and rub the paste on thinning spots.
* Put raw mango pulp in a jar of oil and leave it to age for a year, then rub it on your head
* Make a paste of hot olive oil, honey and cinnamon

The important thing to remember is, don’t take your hair loss too seriously. Experiencing stress could make it worse. Relax. Hair loss is a natural process, and nobody ever died from it. Having said that, it can be worrying to watch your hair fall out. Treatment for you is available, and there is a hair loss remedy that will help you. Always check with your doctor first to see which is the most suitable for you.

You can discover other hair loss treatments at

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Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Hair Loss Treatment Starts At The Dermatologist

Michael Russell has written Hair Loss Treatment Starts At The Dermatologist and writes "You can't afford hair transplants but need to do something. What can you do? A Dermatologist may be the best first step to hair loss treatment.

Hair grows normally in cycles. There is a phase when the hair is in an active cycle , which can last from six to ten years. The next cycle is one of regression which last two or three months. This cycle is then followed by a period of rest for two or three weeks.

It's important to understand that each and every hair is made of protein growing from individual hair follicles. When a hair strand falls out of a follicle at the end of the resting period, a new hair starts to grow in its place. Most people lose from fifty to one hundred hairs per day..

Androgenetic or better known as male pattern baldness, is by far the most common type of male hair lose. It can start sometimes as early as the teenage years. Males that are genetically predisposed for baldness can find themselves starting to lose their hair with the beginning of puberty. The reason is that puberty brings an increase in the testosterone production, which in turn increases the DiHydroTestosterone (DHT). DiHydroTestosterone changes the production of new hair in the hair follicles. The hair strands become thinner with each cycle. They grow slower and start to fall out at much shorter lengths. Finally the hair follicle stops producing hair altogether. When this takes place the hair follicle is lost.

One solution and treatment for this problem is to increase the hair growth. A product called Minoxidil is one of the best known products for treatment of this problem. There is a 5 percent mixture for men and a 2 percent mixture for women. It was developed as a pill to treat high blood pressure but was found to also increase hair growth. It was then further developed as a topical solution to treat hair loss. Curbing DHT production will cut down on the damage to the hair follicles and thereby help prevent hair loss. A product called Finasteride/Propecia is also a DHT inhibitor and is taken orally. This product works well for hair loss on top and in the front of the head. You'll need a perscription for Finasteride/Propecia and it is not approved for women or children.

Minoxidil and Finasteride are both FDA approved an must be used daily. Usually it takes three or four months before the effects are seen. Discontinuation of use will result in the return of hair loss.

Sometimes inflammation can cause and contribute to itching and hair loss. There are products like Nizoral, which is a shampoo, that can help with inflammation of the scalp. Retinoic acid, which is a product normally used for acne problems, has also been shown to help with hair growth.

A good approach to a hair loss problem would be a visit to a dermatologist. He can evaluate the family history and determine if genetics, other factors or both are involved. If the problem is male pattern baldness he may prescribe medication. Medication is not a cure, but it can help slow down and many times reverse the hair loss process. Medication can help save normal functioning hair follicles and thereby future hair loss.

It's important to start early, to minimize as much hair loss as possible. Hair loss products are generally not inexpensive. Having a prescription plan can usually cover the cost for such products. There is no known cure for hair loss at the present. Treatment will be an ongoing process, but the results are almost always positive.

Michael Russell
Your Independent guide to Hair Loss

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Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Hair loss solutions guide and how to prevent baldness from happend to you

Amy-Jo Strutt has written Hair loss solutions guide and how to prevent baldness from happend to you and writes "Coming to the realization that you are losing your hair and you are starting to go bald can be devastating. Most people think it only happens to men, when in fact, a large percentage of women lose their hair as well. The good news is there are a number of great hair loss solutions and remedies that can help the fight against thinning hair and baldness. Hair loss in most cases is caused by genetics and it is the hardest to combat. But if your hair loss is not genetically related, it may be a result of poor diet, stress, alopecia or lacking certain vitamins and minerals. If that's the case, immediate actions can be taken to stop your hair loss.

When you look in the mirror, you will likely notice your hair thinning at the top of your head and possibly at the hairline. Most often, male pattern baldness starts with a receding hairline and it just continues right across the top of the head until there is only a fringe of hair around the head. Unfortunately there is no drug available to cure or stop male pattern baldness. The most popular form of hair loss solution in this case is hair transplant. Most of us remember those awful hair plugs, well things have gotten a whole lot better since then. Technology has made some remarkable advancements and hair transplant surgery has improved dramatically over the past 10 years. It is a hair loss remedy that both men and women are using..

The downside of good hair transplants is that they can be expensive. You can opt for a less expensive alternative which would be a hair piece or toupee. If transplant surgery isn't for you, speak to your doctor about Rogaine which has been proven to start hair regrowth. You apply Rogaine directly the scalp. You will see new hair growth but it may take up to 6 months before it happens. It is important you speak to your doctor about potential side effects and how long new hair growth lasts once you stop applying the cream. Hair loss can be embarrassing, but today, you have more options than ever before.

About the Author
Amy-Jo Strutt is an expert author who regularly contributes to For complete information on hair loss solutions, hair loss prevention, male pattern baldness and hair transplants, visit

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Monday, July 17, 2006

Work With Your Doctor to Find a Hair Loss Solution

Keith Londrie has written Work With Your Doctor to Find a Hair Loss Solution and writes "If you are looking for a hair loss solution that is going to be effective, you may want to start out by visiting a doctor. You can contact your family physician to schedule a visit or to get a referral to a dermatologist. Your family physician may also recommend a treatment instead of referring you to a dermatologist.

A lot of people are also teaming up with doctors who specialize in hair loss. These doctors may do nothing more than consult with people who are looking for a hair loss solution. Sometimes these doctors even offer a free consultation just to get you in the door. You may also want to contact a dermatologist, as they often specialize in the care of scalp and skin, and will surely be able to provide you with a couple of tips for your situation. All situations are different and you would be wise in consulting a professional to determine your specific cause of hair loss and to learn of the preferred treatment.

Meeting with your family doctor may be the way to go if you are embarrassed about your hair loss situation. You have probably been seeing him or her for a couple of years and he is well-aware of your medical history, including extraneous factors that could be precipitating the balding. He should be able to do a quick examination and then refer you to a specialist if needed. As I mentioned above, your family physician can often times recommend a treatment or write you a prescription if one is warranted in your particular situation.

Contacting a professional who is an expert in hair loss may be a good idea if you are beyond the beginning stages, and are becoming desperate for a hair loss solution. These doctors specialize in finding the best hair loss solution for each patient. They have also seen a lot of different cases. On the negative side, these doctors are hard to come by, and some of them may not be as experienced as your family doctor.

A dermatologist specializes in treating the skin and scalp. They will be able to examine your scalp and provide you with a detailed prognosis. A dermatologist may also be able to prescribe a shampoo as a hair loss solution; however, some dermatologists may not have a lot of information regarding some of the newest techniques in the field, including hair transplantation.

To find a good hair loss solution, you should consult one or all three of the doctors listed above to get an initial assessment.

Keith Londrie II is a well known author. For more information on Hair Loss, please visit Hair Loss for a wealth of information. You may also want to visit keith's own web site at

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Sunday, July 16, 2006

Balding Solution for Men and Women

Steve Harris has written Balding Solution for Men and Women and he writes "Androgenetic alopecia (male and female pattern balding) is by far the most common cause of hair loss amongst men and a serious problem for many women. There are three important components which are responsible for both female and male balding:

1. A genetic predisposition for balding to occur.

2. Excessive presence of male hormones.

3. Aging - enough time for the first two factors to occur.

Both men and women produce male hormones that have a useful role to play in both sexes; but the fact that androgens occur in much higher concentrations in men explains why male pattern baldness is more common than the female balding.

DHT the root cause of hair loss It is metabolism of male hormones (androgen/testosterone) which is main cause of hair loss and male and female pattern balding both in men and women..

The metabolism of androgen involves an enzyme called 5 alpha reductase which combines with the hormone (testosterone) and converts it to DHT (Dihydro-testosterone). DHT is a natural metabolite of our body.

The cause of male and female pattern balding Some individuals, both men and women, are genetically pre-disposed to produce more DHT than the normal individuals. It is this accumulation of DHT and its effect on the cells inside the hair follicle and root which is one of the primary causes of male and female pattern balding.

When DHT gets into the hair follicle and root, especially a region called the dermal papilla, it changes the cell' activity and prevents necessary proteins, vitamins and minerals from providing nourishment needed to sustain life in the hairs of those follicles. Consequently, hair follicles are reproduced at a much slower rate. This shortens their growing stage (anagen phase) and or lengthens their resting stage (telogen phase) of the follicle. DHT also causes hair follicle to shrink and get progressively smaller and finer. This process is known as miniaturization and causes the hair to ultimately fall. DHT induced androgenetic aloepcia is responsible for 95% of all hair loss.

Blocking the synthesis of DHT at the molecular level forms the basis for the treatment of MPHL (male pattern hair loss) and FPHL (female pattern hair loss). There are many natural DHT blockers and a number of drugs which are used for medical hair restoration.
About the Author

The author Steve Harris specializes in various topics like male and female pattern balding and hair follicle. He has also authored a book on surgical hair restoration.

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Saturday, July 15, 2006

Balding Cure Buy Propecia?

M Jackson has written Balding Cure Buy Propecia? and writes "Balding Cure? The most common form of hair loss is male pattern hair loss, accounting for 95% of all cases of baldness. Approximately 50% of all men will start balding by the time they reach the age of 50 so it really is a very common problem. Previously the only solution male pattern and other types of hair loss have been wigs or hats but all these do is cover it up. There have always been miracle creams and shampoos available that claim to replace lost hair and charge a lot of money for the privilege but most men who try them end up disappointed because they simply didn’t have the expected or desired results. Generic Propecia is a proven balding cure and is available from your doctor or, more conveniently, over the Internet.

You will more than likely be familiar with male pattern hair loss. It starts with balding around the crown of the head or with a receding hairline and progresses from there. It is widely accepted amongst doctors and scientists that DHT (dihydrotestosterone) is partially responsible for the balding process. DHT is a chemical that diminishes the hair follicle to such a size that it can no longer be seen.

Finding a proven balding cure that stood up to proper and rigorous testing had proven difficult until Propecia was discovered. Propecia and generic Propecia work by lowering the amount of DHT that is found within your body. Not only does this prevent further balding but it also helps the existing hair follicles to re-grow much stronger effectively making it a balding cure. Generic Propecia has shown excellent results in tests and approximately 70% of men who have undergone clinical trials with generic Propecia have found that there has grown back. This is a fact that was tested by dermatologists and scientific researchers to verify the results.

Generic Propecia can start having noticeable results in as little as 3 months, although if your hair loss is showing no signs of improvement after 12 months then further treatment is unlikely to yield the result you require. If you stop taking generic Propecia after results begin to show then the advantages and the improvement you have gained will deteriorate and leave you balding once again. For this reason, you need to be able to find a cheap but reliable source of Propecia. Your physician can prescribe you Propecia but this is not a cheap option, and there are cheaper options available to you.

Generic Propecia is a drug that is identical to Propecia but is available at a fraction of the cost and in larger bulk. Online generic pharmacys can supply you with generic Propecia and if you do not already have a prescription then they can also complete an online consultation with you and give you the prescription you require. This is much more convenient than visiting your physician and you will know if you are going bald or not. Generic pharmacys are not meant to replace regular visits to your physician but in certain circumstances they provide a very good alternative.

As far as a balding cure goes nothing has been proven to work as well as Propecia for either stopping the balding process or helping the re-growth of your lost hair. In the long run it is quite possible to redevelop a full head of hair through the regular use of Propecia. If you are interested then you should consider going using a generic pharmacy and purchasing generic Propecia. It has the same results but at a fraction of the total cost.

M.Jackson Author, online investigator.
Read more about balding at

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Thursday, July 13, 2006

Generic Propecia Basics

Generic Propecia Basics has written by Aahanaa Gibz and writes "What is Generic Propecia?
GENERIC PROPECIA is a medical breakthrough - the first pill that effectively treats male pattern hair loss on the vertex (at top of head) and anterior mid-scalp area.

How does Generic Propecia work?
Scientist have recently discovered that men who suffer from male pattern hair loss have an increased level of a substance called DHT in their scalps. Both PROPECIA and its generic form block the formation of DHT and in this way appears to interrupt a key factor in the development of male pattern hair loss in men. Most important, PROPECIA helps grow natural hair, not just "peach fuzz," and is as convenient to take as a vitamin: one pill a day. Click Here for more info.

Does Generic Propecia work for all men?
At the conclusion of a 24-month study of men age 18 to 41 with mild to moderate hair loss at the top of the head, 83% treated with Generic Propecia maintained their hair as determined by hair count (vs. 28% with placebo). Most men reported an increase in the amount of hair, a decrease in hair loss, and improvement in appearance. Although results will vary, generally men will not be able to grow back all of the hair they have lost..

What are Generic Propecia's side effects?
Like all prescription drugs, Generic Propecia may cause side effects. In clinical studies, side effects from Generic Propecia were uncommon and did not affect most men. A very small number of men experienced certain sexual side effects, such as: less desire for sex; difficulty in achieving an erection; and a decrease in the amount of semen. Each of these side effects occurred in less than 2% of men. These side effects were reversible and went away in men who stopped taking Generic Propecia. These side effects also disappeared in most men (58%) who continued taking Generic Propecia.

Is Generic Propecia safe?
Generic Propecia is for the treatment of male pattern hair loss in MEN ONLY. Further, women who are or may potentially be pregnant must not use Generic Propecia and should not handle crushed or broken tablets of Generic Propecia because it may cause abnormalities of a male baby`s sex organs. Generic Propecia tablets are coated and will prevent contact with the active ingredient during normal handling.

Products that comes under Generic Propecia is Finpecia For more on Generic Propecia you can click Generic Propecia

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Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Propecia for Male Pattern Hair Loss

Kathlene Capelle has written Propecia for Male Pattern Hair Loss and writes "There are many medications that can deal with male hair loss. A well known medication is known as Propecia. This particular medication is designed to specifically help men who are experiencing male pattern hair loss. In clinical studies, hair count increased during the first year and was maintained in those that took Propecia for 24 months. If you wish to take Propecia, it is useful to know how this medication can possibly help you in your hair loss.

Propecia, in generic terms is known as Finasteride. It is known to help men that are dealing with male pattern hair loss, also known as DHT. This particular pattern of baldness and hair loss is known to directly affect men because of genetics that are inherited from both their mother and father. The genes cause the hormone of DHT to react with the enzymes that are located in the scalp and hair region. When this happens, hair begins to thin and eventually causes for it to fall out completely.

Propecia is a prescription medication that has proven to be more effective in men than in women. Propecia will interact with male pattern baldness by adding an androgen hormone as a possible treatment. This will then balance out with the enzymes and other chemicals that are causing hair loss.

Women must not use Propecia when they are pregnant or hoping to get pregnant. Propecia can potentially cause abnormalities of the male baby's sex organs, a condition known as hypospadias. Additionally, women should not handle crushed or broken tablets when they are pregnant or may potentially be pregnant.

Propecia is FDA approved. Despite this, there are side effects to taking Propecia. Because of the added hormone, a small percentage of men have reported less desire for sex and difficulty in achieving an erection and/or a decrease in the amount of semen.

There may also be possible allergic reactions that occur, which can be noted from rashes, itching or irritation that takes place. If you should observe any of these symptoms, it is best to stop taking the medication and ask your doctor before you continue with the prescription.

Propecia is one of several medications that are available for those dealing with male pattern hair loss. Speak to your doctor to find out more about Propecia if you are interested to use this medication to help you in your treatment of falling hair. Knowing what your options are and evaluating your risks, will ensure that you make the best choice possible for treating your male pattern hair loss.

Kathlene Capelle writes on hair loss solution, female hair loss, male hair loss, cause of hair loss, natural hair loss treatment and hair care tips. Her blog also includes home made recipes for hair loss. For hair loss remedy information and news updates, please visit

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Tuesday, July 11, 2006


Allen Martin has written Propecia and writes "One a day will keep the depression away.

To many men (and women) today, the bathroom mirror is the mortal enemy. Every day, you stumble into the bathroom, yank the toothbrush out of its holder, and very reluctantly venture an eye into the mirror above the sink.

What you see devitalizes you. It devastates you. What once sprung so vivaciously from your head has now been replaced by a smooth, shiny surface. In just a couple of years, it seems, your looks have aged by ten years.

It’s a process that consumes you day by day, week by week. And there’s nothing you can do to stop it.

Yes, you are going bald.

However, as helpless as it may feel, not everybody is taking this seemingly inevitable fate sitting down..

Many Americans every day are opening up the medicine cabinet behind that mirror to pull out the tabulated form of salvation. It’s not the first product to treat hair loss and it certainly won’t be the last, but Propecia is certainly winning the race when it comes to foiling vanity’s worst nightmare.

At first, it looks a lot like your standard pain reliever or aspirin pill. The pain that Propecia will ease you from, however, is of a much different variety. As you probably know already, Propecia is the first pill that has been proven to fight the process of hair loss and in many cases, actually re-grow some hair.

Propecia is a tablet that is taken daily, with a month’s supply generally running between $50 and $55.

And the fact that Propecia actually works, they’re saying, is much more than just hair-say.

The facts are out. Granted, this study was done over the course of two years of Propecia use, but 83 percent of balding men between the ages of 18 and 41 maintained their hair count during the experiment, while 66 percent of the group actually grew back a considerable amount of hair.

The difference between Propecia and other products, like Rogaine, for instance, is that Propecia grows back thicker, natural hair as opposed to the limp “peach fuzz.” We won’t even mention that fishy smell that Rogaine users often complain of.

And here’s a bit of good news for that receding hairline. While Propecia has been widely believed to work the crown and vertex exclusively, studies out of the University of Pennsylvania are now confirming that the drug will also stimulate frontal hair growth. While re-growth along the temples has yet to be proven, steady growth in the middle of the front has been proven through extensive experimenting.

Most hair doctors will tell you that Propecia takes a good three to four months before kicking in, so if you’re waiting for immediate results, you may as well grab a Snickers Bar. But if you don’t see any positive results after a year of taking Propecia, chances are that you’re not only wasting you time, you’re wasting your money as well.

Now comes the bad news.

For you ladies who are seeing dread atop the head, Propecia is not for you. It is a drug designed exclusively for men.

Also, Propecia, like many other prescription medications, is not free of unfortunate side effects. Under extensive experimenting, a small number of subjects (2 percent, to be exact) were effected with such conditions as diminished sex drive, inadequate erections, and a decrease in semen.

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Monday, July 10, 2006

Finasteride Creates Hair and More

Alice Hunter has written Finasteride Creates Hair and More and writes "Many times, when a doctor determines a case of Male Pattern Hair Loss, he will prescribe Propecia, a popular hair loss treatment which has a variable success record.

Technically, Finasteride is the primary active ingredient and compound in the brand name drug, Propecia. Propecia has been noted as a successful treatment used to prevent Male Pattern Hair Loss, but its success record depends upon the source of information.

The Propecia home page, produced by the company itself, claims that nine out of ten men treated with the drug have improved or at least maintained hair.

Propecia is also the only pill that treats Male Pattern Hair Loss that has been approved by the FDA. The company claims that they put the drug through five years of experimental research prior to making it available to the general public in 1998..

It is interesting how some drugs gain FDA-approval and others that produce equally effective laboratory trials do not get the highly lucrative stamp of FDA approval. Perhaps Propecia had more aggressive lobbyists working the angles in Washington to lend it more support with the Federal Drug Administration.

It should also be seriously noted that the FDA does not have a spotless record in releasing safe drugs to the general population. Their stamp of approval grows more questionable each season as new drugs promoted by lobbyists from major drug companies gain approval. A stamp of approval from the FDA is not without its political implications or influences.

All of the above reflects several facts that you should realize, as a patient and consumer of a drug, which was only tested for five years prior to its availability. Propecia has had negative results in 2% of its users, due to the hormonal imbalance. It is also a drug that can cause irreparable damage to an unborn male fetus. For this reason, women of childbearing age should have absolutely no contact with this drug in any form.

Propecia's reputation within the established, traditional medical community may be excellent and shining, but when there is no guarantee of its success. as is the case with Propecia, you will be glad to know it isn't the only proven-by-test treatment on the market, and not even the most effective one, either.

The company claims that most men experience positive results when they have taken the drug between three and twelve months. It is only productive for two areas of the head: the top of the head and the middle front area. It has not been useful in maintaining or growing hair at the temples or in a receding hairline.

While the company home page on the web claims that nine out of ten men experience positive results with Propecia, not all studies have reached the same conclusion.

According to Consumer, a popular and trusted website that reviews many brand name hair loss treatments and rates them according to their reported success, Propecia's record is not so great. The Consumer Review says that 66% of the men who have taken it for Male Pattern Hair Loss reported positive growth. It presently costs around $230 for a three-month supply.

The latest news on Male Pattern Hair Loss reveals: there are cutting-edge alternative treatments that work very well. These are the ones strictly organically produced from flora and fauna of living earth. And they have a higher success rate than 66%.

Alice Hunter is a freelance writer who became extremely interested in the subject of hair after her husband started losing his. This has lead her to conduct thorough and exhaustive research. Be sure to check out her other articles at if you'd like to learn more about natural hair growth methods.

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Sunday, July 09, 2006

Hair Loss Products Advice And Treatments

Sagi Venkata Ramana has written Hair Loss Products - Advice And Treatments and writes "The problem of hair loss is a problem that affect both men and women and in all age groups. In women, the problem is usually heightened during pregnancy. The primary cause of hair loss is hormonal imbalance. In men, the problem is aggravated due to the excessive production go hormone called DHT. This arises from problems in the prostrate gland.

There are many products available to treat the problem of hair loss. However, the best method is to first identify the causes of hair loss and them find a suitable cure.

The first culprit is the scalp. Diseases of the scalp in left untreated can turn septic and also cause the hair to fall. Therefore keep the scalp clean and health at all times. Use good quality hair oil regularly. Shampoos can also help in keeping the scalp healthy.

Products that use extracts of flowers and fruits are quite effective. Keep one thing in mind. Expensive products alone will not guarantee results. The proper and regular usage of product alone will help you find a cure for hair loss..

The various hair loss products available in the market help you in not only preventing hair loss but also help you in growing back lost hair.

Hair loss products are available in Allopathy, Homoeopathy and ayurveda. However it is important to consult a dermatologist and seek his advice before opting for any treatment.

Self-medication could prove quite harmful. Dermatologist will prescribe medical products like Regaine, Propecia and Dutasteride, which are quite effective in preventing hair loss.

There are numerous hair loss products offering guaranteed treatment on the net. Don’t go by false claims. Costly products do not necessarily mean better cure. The root cause should be identified before trying out any treatment. And only a qualified dermatologist can diagnose the cause and suggest appropriate treatment.

Good quality and pure coconut oil if used on a regular basis will help nourish the hair and scalp and keep the hair from falling.

Products that contain extracts of hibiscus flower, amla, neem and tulasi are very beneficial for the treatment of falling hair.

Pure castor oil or products that contain a combination f castor oil along with other ingredients can also be used.

In addition to hair loss products you have alternatives in the form of surgery and wigs. In the case of permanent hair loss and baldness no amount of medication or expensive products may work. In this case the only option available is to opt for hair transplantation.

Venkata Ramana is the writer of Hair Loss Product blog. Read his informative reports about Female Hair Loss and get rid of Hair loss forever!

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Saturday, July 08, 2006

Best Male Hair Loss Products

Oliver Turner has written Best Male Hair Loss Products and writes "The worse part of getting older is joint aches and loss of hair. Chances of getting bald are more if you are a male and your age is more than 45. Alopecia or male pattern baldness is genetic in character. Medical hair transplants are used by many people every year with surprising results to over come this problem. But hair transplant is the last solution of hair loss problem. Some hair loss remedies are available in the market for hair loss prevention. Moreover, you can stop hair loss with the use of best hair loss products (allopathic). With the use of hair loss products, you can simply stop hair loss, no new hair growth will occur.

Alopecia or male pattern baldness is not a scalp related problem. Alopecia occurs as a result of chemical reaction between oil glands found in the hair follicle and testosterone. When testosterone (male hormone) transforms into DHT, reaction causes follicle to shrink. But there are hair loss products available on the market, which works against the production of DHT. You must buy a hair loss product, which contains ingredients like pro-vitamin B5, saw and palmetto zinc. These kinds of hair loss product are designed to keep your hair on your head..

If you want to stop hair loss, you are recommended to use hair loss products like Propecia and Rogaine. These hair loss products are available at drug stores and you can even order Rogaine online. If it is already late and you are bald or have significant thinning, then you must think for a hair loss treatment. Medical hair restoration will be the best option for your problem. Results will be full head of natural hair. This process is not painful, but you will feel some swelling and discomfort. Your dermatologist will help you to select a hair loss product or hair transplant process, which will meet your expectations.

We have made a research to find the best hair loss products. Find the results only on the latest research on male hair loss and more – best hairloss source. All about Hair loss on

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Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Finding the Best Hair Loss Product for Your Pattern of Baldness

Keith Londrie has written Finding the Best Hair Loss Product for Your Pattern of Baldness and writes "Finding a hair loss product that works for you may be a big task. However, physically obtaining a hair loss product may be an even bigger task. It is stressful enough when someone starts losing their hair for the first time; and the more and more hair someone loses, the more and more worried they become about finding a solution for their problem. This stress does not help; and in fact, it perpetuates the loss even further. The best advice is to stay calm and do your research. You will soon find a product that works for your type of hair loss.

To find a hair loss product, there are a few options available to ensure that you get what you need. The first place to start would be by visiting your family physician, an experienced professional, or a dermatologist. All three of these professionals should be able to advise you to as what hair loss product is best for you. If you are lucky, your doctor may even be able to provide you with a sample hair loss product. This is a great way to find the hair loss product that works best for you. You can never beat samples when on a quest for the right product and you need to be sure to ask for samples.

If you would rather skip the visit to the doctor, check out your local drug store. You can browse the store alone, or ask the pharmacist for some suggestions. You will surely be able to come up with a solution that works for you. There are many different products on the market, so you may be in for some trial and error.

You can also try searching online if you are looking to find a hair loss product. There are several natural supplements that can be purchased online. It can be beneficial to purchase through online stores as they often have reviews on all of their products. Reviews go a long way in helping you to make an informed decision about which product to use in your particular case.

Depending on your current situation, you may want to try one or all three of the above options. Each one has its own advantages and disadvantages. If one option does not work for you, simply try the next. You will eventually find the hair loss product that works best for your specific type of hair loss.

Keith Londrie II is a well known author. For more information on Hair Loss, please visit for a wealth of information. You may also want to visit keith's own web site at

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Monday, July 03, 2006

Hair Loss Products

A Guide to Hair Loss Products
Shampoo, wigs, creams, pills, powders, and just about anything else you can imagine has been marketed as a hair loss product. Hair loss products, if they are at all serious, work by either promoting hair growth, reducing the amount of hormones in the body, reducing inflammation at the follicle, or handling the autoimmune response that occurs as a result of too many hormones at the follicle site. Read more....

New Hair Loss Products
There are many new hair treatments and products available, which help in hair growth and prevent hair loss. The most effective hair loss products are Regaine, Propecia and Dutasteride, which are prescribed by dermatologists. You should not buy hair loss products by yourself. You should consult a dermatologist before buying any hair loss product as they help you by prescribing the best hair loss products for your type of hair. Read more....

Best Hair Loss Products
ViViscal shampoo, Thymuskin, and Hair genesis are some of the best hair loss products, which are used for hair treatment. Thymuskin is more effective (95%)) in female than male (67%) for treating hair loss. This hair loss shampoo clears the hair follicle from debris, dirt, oil and other waste. The main advantage of thymuskin is that it consists of thymus peptides that diffuse deep into the hair follicles to clean them. Read more....

What are the Best Hair Loss Products Available Today?
Finasteride, Minoxidil, and Rogaine are the more popular hair loss drug products available today to stop or prevent hair loss. Finasteride is sold in pharmacies as Propecia, and this hair loss product is recommended only for men. Like Finasteride, Rogaine is available only through drugstores. Rogaine has to be applied twice daily for 3 to 4 months to get any positive results. Minoxidil is a common and effective hair loss treatment method among younger men. However, continual use of hair loss drug products such as Minoxidil may lead to side effects such as a itchy scalp, or even more serious complications such as low libido if these hair loss treatment products are used over a long period of time. Read more....

Natural Hair Loss Product
There is a variety of hair loss products other than natural hair loss products in the market – From pills, temporary sprays and thickening shampoos to hair extensions, hair transplant and pills. However, the most secure and one of the most effective is the natural hair loss product. Occasionally I am asked by worried hair loss casualties : “do any natural hair loss product actually work?”. Well, I tell them, natural products are known for their healing abilities and many studies showed with no doubt that there are more than one natural hair loss product that reduce hair loss and encourage hair regrowth. Read more....

Natural Hair Loss Product Proven in Clinical Trials
A drug-free hair loss product, from a surprising source, may be the new answer to thinning hair, alopecia, and male pattern baldness. Read more....

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Sunday, July 02, 2006

Hair Loss Shampoos - The Often Overlooked Solution

Keith Londrie has written Hair Loss Shampoos - The Often Overlooked Solution and writes "There are many hair loss shampoos on the market today. This is one prevention method that many people who are experiencing hair loss tend to overlook. Use a hair loss shampoo as a step towards loosing your hair. Hair loss shampoos can be found in a number of different places. You may want to first start out by visiting your family doctor or a dermatologist who specializes in hair loss. These doctors may be able to prescribe hair loss shampoos that are not available over the counter. It will depend on your situation whether or not you will need prescription strength shampoos.

Hair loss shampoos were once designed to do nothing more than keep your hair clean and shiny. But this has changed in recent years. Hair loss shampoos are now designed to block DHT that mixes with enzymes on the scalp and causes thinning hair. This has been a huge advance in the area of hair loss treatment. Some other hair loss shampoos are designed to reduce inflammation within the hair follicle. This helps to keep the scalp healthy, and therefore help prevent hair loss and thinning. There are several different reasons that you could be loosing your hair. An expert can usually determine the cause in your particular case and make recommendations for you.

If you want to get your hands on the hair loss shampoos that are mentioned above, you may need to visit your doctor. They will be able to assess your situation and properly prescribe the most effective medication available on the market. If you would rather skip the doctor visit, you may also be able to find these hair loss shampoos at specialty stores and beauty shops. Online vitamin and supplement stores also carry a large supply of hair loss shampoos. You may want to check online if you are looking for variety as well as a great price. Try to verify that what you find online is actually a good treatment for your particular hair loss case.

Hair loss shampoos are improving with every year. Doctors are experimenting with these shampoos to find out which formulas work best and how often they should be used. These hair loss shampoos may be a great addition to your hair loss prevention plan. An ounce of prevention goes a long ways towards putting off hair loss. Care for your hair and you will keep it longer.

Keith Londrie II is a well known author. For more information on Hair Loss, please visit Hair Loss for a wealth of information. You may also want to visit keith's own web site at

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