Biotin and Hair Loss write the article Biotin and Hair Loss. They write "It is onehundred percent true that Biotin plays an important role in the prevention of hair loss. According to nutritionists biotin is an important vitamin for hair growth. It is also highly advisable to take biotin in addition to other medcial treatments such Minoxidil, Poscar or Propecia. Biotin and hair loss are inter related. Deficiency of biotin may cause unhealthy and breakage of hair, which might finally lead to hair loss. Biotin is an important component not only to new hair growth but also keeps the skin and nails in perfect health." write the article Biotin and Hair Loss. They write "Biotin is a member of the B-vitamin family. It assists in the metabolism of fats, carbohydrates and protein. It serves as a critical component of several enzymes and is involved in energy metabolism. The major benefit of biotin however, is its ability to strengthening hair and nails." write the article Biotin and Hair loss. They write "Biotin plays a vital role in preventing hair loss. The nutritionists say that biotin is a vitamin that is essential for hair growth. Intake of biotin should be accompanied with other medical treatments such as Minoxidil, Poscar or Propecia. The two things-Biotin and Hair loss are interlinked. If there is a deficiency of biotin then it may make the hair unhealthy and lead to breakage of hair which will further result in hair loss. Apart from helping in regrowth, Biotin also keeps the skin and nail enamel in perfect condition."